Our Story, Our Promise

The brand has been created by Dr. Hristo Dimitrov, a dental practitioner, after quite some
studies of the findings of the clinical trials conducted by teams from across the world on the antibacterial potentials of a variety of essential oils for therapeutic purposes.
Motivated by the conclusive evidence and the indisputable success his private practice
attained in treating gingivitis and periodontitis, Dr. Dimitrov, with the support of experienced technologists, created the formulas for the products of Dr. Chris Organics®, blending in them
essential oils and extracts that possess the most powerful therapeutic properties able to
provide exceptional degrees of bacterial control even against the most aggressive antibiotic-
resistant bacteria.

What is more, his love for and interest in herbs caused him to take his first confident steps
towards growing his own chemical-free herb gardens without the use of any pesticides and fertilizers, all in his endeavour to ensure the high and completely natural quality of Dr. Chris Organics® products. And all this right from their start.
The resulting effect is also enhanced by the close and careful monitoring of the whole process of distillation and attainment of the ideal temperature range that helps to keep the active ingredients of the essential oils as much as possible.

Our fields, herbs and oilsThe extraction of our essential oils for therapeutic purposes is preceded by lots of theoretical training and fieldwork. We start by sowing a special selection of seeds in order to grow seedlings which later we move and plant in the fields. We give even the smallest the chance to grow, and they reward us with essential oils of the highest quality on a global scale. Our essential oils are used for the production of cosmetics of one of the most renowned brands in the world.The active ingredients of the oil are different for each crop depending on the number ofsunshine hours and rainfalls. Our herbs are drought-resistant, but in order to provide them with water during continuous dry weather, we have built kilometres of drip irrigation.
Our products
It took us 2 years to develop the formulations of our products. The first oil that was studied indifferent laboratories was our oregano oil. For me, this is one of the most useful and aggressive oils that acts on bacteria, viruses and fungi. Its proper dosing in micrograms acts selectively and destroys only the pathogens without damaging the mucosa and the epithelial layer of the skin. My requirements for the technologists of our products were quite strict.Some of them are: to contain active essential oil components that destroy the persistent microorganisms; to contain no preservatives; to contain no artificial sweeteners, and with essential oils this is quite a difficult task as they smell wonderful but taste bitter; to use natural plant-based sweeteners that will not raise blood glucose levels in diabetics if swallowed; to contain no fluorine; to have a long sense of fresh breath and health.