What did I learn from my practice. We would better leave the oral hygiene to the eternal power of nature
It is hardly news to anyone that the side effects of the chemical ingredients in most of the mouthwash products available on the market may have negative effects on the general health condition of each patient.
That is one reason why we chose for our products natural and powerful essential oils obtained from herbs that have proven their healing powers since ancient times. Imagine our products, such as herbal tea, that is highly concentrated and keeps your gums and teeth healthy, having no side effects and negative impacts on your health.
I have personally found that in patients who apply the herbal gel Dr. Chris Organics®, the timing for healing of surgical wounds closed by sutures following a periodontal surgery narrows considerably. Thanks to its antibacterial formulation, the gel forms a protective barrier on the mouth lining thus working against bacteria, viruses and fungi by stopping them interfering the normal healing processes.
Patients who incorporate herbal mouthwash and flossing into their oral hygiene feel much better than those who only brush their teeth with toothpaste. In patients with periodontitis, we highly recommend to do mouth irrigation.
Why did we create the mouthwash Dr. Chris Organics®?
The mouth lining absorbs the chemical compounds that are present in the synthetic mouthwashes. Part of the side effects of these synthetic additives are taste alteration, swelling of the parotid gland, colouring of the mouth lining, increase in blood pressure, dry mouth, etc.
On the other hand, using synthetic products for a long period of time destroys considerable part of the natural oral microbiome which results in reduced nitrogen levels and increased pH.
It also affects the glucose and lactate levels which increase in saliva, and the pH buffer capacity decreases, a more acidic environments are created which preconditions the development of caries. For its part, the lower nitrogen levels /nitrogen oxyde/ precondition increase in the arterial blood pressure.
I have seen patients in my practice who due to the continuous use of synthetic mouthwashes present themselves with a pronounced stomatitis /inflammatory dystrophic disease/, and in some case with even a fungal infection. In other patients, the continuous use of synthetic mouthwash leads to glossitis – a condition that causes pain and redness, and makes the surface of the tongue, which is otherwise rough, appear smooth, without causing systemic diseases or deficits of Vitamin B12, etc, in patients.
As compared to conventional mouthwashes, the herbal mouthwash contains essential oils that are rich in powerful therapeutic active ingredients that are successful in eliminating disease-carrying micro-organisms and even the antibiotic-resistant strains.
The vegetable glycerine that is added to Dr. Chris Organics® products, has a beneficial effect on both the mouth lining and the epithelial layer of the skin. The only side effect the herbal mouthwash may cause is an allergic reaction if you have any pronounced allergy to any of the herbs that are used in the product.
In my practice, following a surgical intervention, I recommend the mouthwash and the herbal gel for gums of Dr. Chris Organics®. They help the faster wound healing by eliminating the pathogens that delay the normal healing of damaged tissue.
Mouthwash is used mainly for its active ingredients that suppress the microorganisms, but even the best mouthwash cannot replace mechanical cleaning. If used alone, mouthwashes reach only the outer layer of the plaque but not the subgingival area. That is why it is important that you do not miss to visit your dentist regularly for having your teeth cleansed professionally with an ultrasonic scaler. These procedures help eliminate the subgingival tartar and plaque. They keep your periodontitis healthy as well. Do not forget that periodontal disease causes no symptoms at all, but if detected in time, the bone destruction process can be brought under control.